Thursday, August 14, 2008

Summer Sickness

Summer, while a great season, is definitely not my favorite, but that doesn't mean that I don't thoroughly enjoy it. But I pose this question to all of you reading: when is the last time you had a real summer? But in order to answer this, you have to know my definition of a real summer. For me, a real summer is no commitments. Whatsoever. Like being able to roll out of bed at 2 in the morning, have 3 bowls of sugar cereal, and watch TV until your friend comes over to go to the pool with you. No commitments means no work, no summer school, no book to read before school starts again, nothing. So when was my last real summer? Probably the summer between 8th grade and 9th grade, 2002, 6 years -_-....

This is what I strive for every year, but it never seems to work out. Last summer, I was scheduled to be even busier then I was at college, but I put my foot down and lessened it. This summer was spent mainly in Japan, which was amazing, but also going to school, which was torturous. But now, I'm at least enjoying 2 and a half weeks of a real summer. No job, no summer school, no summer homework, just me, my family and friends, and Milwaukee. And pretty much nothing to do @_@. The greatest things I've done so far in my week back has been going out for pizza and seeing Iron Man for a dollar at the budget theater with my best friends from high school (who are amazing and I'm so glad that they still hang out with me despite lack of contact when school is in session. YOU RULE BRAD AND CARLOS!!!!) and going on a cross state road trip with my mom through southern Wisconsin to Iowa (that was ridiculously awesome). Other than that, I've been sick and had ridiculous sleep problems (I'm typing this at 7 in the morning, woke up at 5:45, and the previous days, I haven't slept until 7 in the morning). My long term goal for the precious short time I have here? Nothing. But with my loving of lack of commitments, that should be good, right? Well, no. I no this sounds pathetically geeky, but my favorite thing in summer is buying old games and beating them. But with a lack of funds and a lack of systems (as they are being generously watched over my my gracious friends in Seattle, thank you), my gaming has been reduced to my DS, which is what kept me sane in my extreme boredom in Japan.

Another weird thing about summer that I've observed is how it makes my friends act. People seem more thoughtful and reflective during this time away from the friends we spend most of the year with. A side-effect of this is an upcropping of blog posts. The thing I urge friends is to keep this reflectiveness. Otherwise, I won't have anything to read come fall.

--Till then...


emie said...

aww, i like the end of your post. however, my reflectiveness come from being with certain people--not without. anyway, according to your definition, i have never had a "real summer." not entirely. i've had maybe a month of it last summer, but never before that. i was always a "summer fun" program kind of girl. that, or i worked, or i was always traveling with my family, thus, them making me wake up a lot earlier than i wanted to.

4649 said...

ahaha....i feel kinda bad, because i've had 'real summers' for the past two summers! but it's only this year that i'm really enjoying it, which is probably a good thing, since i don't see another real summer for a while after this one. :(

as for the reflecting thing, i like to think of it as storing information fat for the winter that is the school year...i feel like i can concentrate on reflection since i have the sun, the time and the energy. but i'll do my best to keep it up if you do! ^^